Monday, April 2, 2007

Are You Sick of Flowers Yet?!

Sorry to be so redundant by posting pics of even more flower photos, but there has to be at least 200 different kinds of flowers in our yard....most of which have just recently migrated in from the nearby Lowe's Home Improvement! I was working this afternoon and noticed new flowers just outside my bedroom window. Flowers are so easy. You don't have to coax a pleasant expression out of them. They don't whine and beg you to put the camera away. You don't have to bribe them for a photo (or threaten them!). And best of all, you don't have to chase them down before snapping a quick photo! Besides all that, I think these are my favorite flower photos yet.

A collage or "storyboard" I made with the photos. The individual shots are below.


jamie said...

OOH LA LA!!! Those are my favorites too! I my favorite flower is a gerber daisy. This looks like one. I love the purple in the middle! You really did a great job on these. I would like to print off the storyboard and hang it in my house!!!

Wendy said...

Excuse me, why again are you typing and not photographing things for money. These are beautiful! You did an awesome job!!!!!! I'm like Jamie. Those would be pretty hanging on someone's wall!

Judy said...

Never, never, never ever, never ever, ever, get tired of flowers!

God's beautiful gift of color and fragrance.

Amy you are the best!

Unknown said...

I love your flowers. They always make me smile! So now you have 198 different flowers to photograph...get to it girl :).

Amanda said...

These are absolutely BEAUTIFUL Amy! I love the second to last one...simply stunning!