Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Snuggle Buddy

As a baby, Riley never got attached to a toy or blanket like some kids do. In a way I'm glad he didn't, but then again I'd like for there to be that one special toy/stuffed animal/blanket that I could always hold onto for a special memento from his early childhood; something that could be passed down to his own child one day. This little monkey just might be that special keepsake. My dad sent me flowers when I was admitted to the hospital and in labor with Riley, and this little monkey accompanied the arrangement. No, Riley didn't become attached to it immediately, though I do have a photo of Riley with the monkey while still in the hospital. It wasn't until several months ago (at age 4) that he really showed anything more than a passing interest in it at all, but now it is his nighttime snuggle buddy. If monkey isn't in the bed when Riley climbs in, he'll go looking for him. He really is a cute little monkey, and I think he'll be the one that gets put away for safe-keeping when Riley outgrows his little boy attachment to him.


Unknown said...

What an adorable little monkey. I think the first one really gives you a sense of his size and the second one is more intimate. Does that make sense? Either way, both versions are so sweet.

Amanda said...

Ahh...that monkey is so cute! Parker has a kitty that he likes somedays and others he doesn't. He's never had an attachement to anything either. Very cute, I might have to take a pic of kitty tomorrow.