Saturday, June 30, 2007

Water Play

This kid would live in the water if he could. He begs all week to go to the pool. I just don't have time to go during the week, but I've been making it a point to take him on the weekend. I'm sure we'll end up back in the pool again on Sunday afternoon too. Oh well, it's really too hot to do anything else these days! It is a nice relaxing time, and I enjoy it too. I just wish I was able to lay on a float with a bit of peace and quiet!!! LOL.

Riley has learned to float on his back. He gets his buoyancy from me! LOL. Doesn't he look relaxed? Ahhhhhh! There may be more pool pics from tomorrow. I'll apologize in advance! LOL.


Amanda said...

Great picture Amy. It was a perfect day for the pool here today too, but we opted to stay home and get yard work done. Yuck.

jamie said...

That does look relaxing!! Cool pic! I just can't wait to go to a pool outside again. I just can't bring myself to go to the indoor pools all that much!

And, yes all the kids and me have crocs and I did take one of my jibbetz off and put it on Mac's today! It fit. She seems to like it!

Judy said...

Never apologize for a great pic like that. He's a real fish like my guys! and besides that's what summer is for...real life will be here soon enough.

dana said...

good picture, i wish it would warm up a little 74 degrees is a little cool to go swimming, i guess i should watch for what i wish for. it will be hot as all get up this week. oh well luckily we have the pool.

Heather said...

amy, as soon as the guru finishes diagnosing my computer, I am up to the challenge too!

I read all the blogs everyday and kind-of feel like I'm getting into our routine now.

Thanks for all your encouraging words and prayers.

Brewton Girl said...

Hey you think maybe Riley can give Bret floating lessons??? He's had swim lessons 3 times, he can swim, but not up on top of the water b/c he can't float. I guess he's just to dang skinny. He doesn't get that from me!!! I float quite well!!!