Tuesday, September 9, 2008


This kind of stuff just makes my skin crawl. This spider has made herself at home right outside of one of our living room windows. She isn't very cooperative either. I would like for her to crawl over onto the other side of her web so that I could get better pictures. As it is, I can't get her colors to really show up unless I shoot through the living room window...which doesn't make for a sharp photo....not to mention the more distracting/brighter background. Icky old spider!

From the other side (shooting through the living room window).


Amanda said...

Heebie jeebies is right. Interesting looking spider though and great pics too.

The pics of my brother were with my 85mm. Love it!

Cassandra said...

EWWW! (but great shot!)

Anonymous said...

Looks like a big ol Banana Spider. I have one just like it. Every day the web fills up with bugs and the next morning they are gone. so she is helping!

Judy said...

We have them too out at the barn..I always end not seeing them until they are inches fron my face..But as spiders go they are good ones..